co-operative or non-co-operative organisations.
To set the global strategy, co-ordinate, and support the consumer co-operative organisations on regional and national level in all issues relevant to their work.To contribute to the effective implementation of the objectives of the Association by encouraging the affiliation and participation of national members within regional sectoral structures, where such exist.
Chapter IV – Membership
- The full members of ICA who have chosen to participate in CCW;
- The members of full members of ICA that have been confirmed by the latter as eligible to participate and have chosen to participate in CCW.
- Associate members of CCW are the associate members of ICA of the categories defined in Article 6 of ICA Statutes that have chosen to participate in CCW.
Chapter V – Admission of Members
- Eligible organisations interested in participating in CCW shall communicate this intention by writing to the CCW Executive Committee, the ICA Global Office or the corresponding ICA Regional Office, indicating the category of membership as defined in Chapter IV.
- The decision of admission is made by the CCW Executive Committee and communicated to the ICA member, the ICA Global Office, and the corresponding ICA Regional Office by writing.
- New members will become members of CCW with the rights and duties of membership from the date of the decision referred in Paragraph 2 above, Chapter V.
Chapter VI – Termination and Withdrawal of Membership
- Membership of CCW ceases in the following cases:
- The member ceases to be a member of ICA or losses any other condition of eligibility as set out in Chapter IV;
- The member decides to withdraw its membership under the terms and conditions of Paragraph 2 below; or
- The member is expelled under the provisions of Paragraph 3 below.
- A member of CCW that decides to withdraw from membership should communicate its decision by writing to the Executive Committee with copy to the ICA Global Office and the corresponding ICA Regional Office. Cessation of membership is immediate on the date of such communication.
- The Executive Committee shall evaluate the conformity of the requirements of membership according to the CCW Rules and may request the ICA Board to expel a member on the grounds of non-compliance to the present Rules or the ICA Statutes and Bye-Laws.
Chapter VII – Governance Bodies
CCW shall be governed by a General Assembly, an Executive Committee, and a President.
Chapter VIII – General Assembly
- Ordinary General Assembly shall be convened every second year, at the time of a meeting of the ICA General Assembly or other annual event. Extraordinary General Assembly shall be convened in case of request by a minimum of 2/3 of the members of the Executive Committee or at the discretion of the CCW President. The Notice and Draft Agenda shall be circulated at least four (4) weeks before the meeting.
- Full members shall be entitled to appoint not more than two (2) voting delegates to the General Assembly and to represent via Proxy no more than three other full members.
- Associate members have the right to attend the General Assembly, without voting rights.
- Unless the Executive Committee decides otherwise, all member organisations may send additional, non-voting representatives to the General Assembly.
- The powers of the General Assembly shall be:
- to adopt, amend, and supplement the present Rules;
- to approve the report of the Executive Committee and the financial statements of the preceding year;
- to approve the budget and work program for the following term;
- to elect the President of CCW;
- to elect the members of the Executive Committee of CCW;
- to decide upon the dissolution of CCW.
- The General Assembly may begin work and take valid decisions if more than half of the full members are physically present or represented via Proxy.
- Each member shall have one (1) vote at the General Assembly. The President of CCW shall have a casting vote.
- Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of full members in attendance, save for decisions pertaining to Chapter XV and Chapter XVI, Point 1.
- Decisions of the General Assembly shall be taken by open vote, unless during the meeting’s proceedings it is decided to be by secret vote.
Chapter IX – Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall consist of a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of eleven (11) members, who shall be elected for a period of four (4) years. In case a position becomes vacant before the completion of the mandate, a new member shall be elected at the next General Assembly.
- The Chair of the Executive Committee is the President of CCW.
- The powers of the Executive Committee shall be:
- to implement the objectives of CCW and report the activities of CCW and its own to the General Assembly;
- to evaluate the conformity of the requirements for participation in CCW according to the Rules and request the ICA Board to deny participation of an organisation on the grounds of non-compliance with the present Rules or the ICA Statutes and Bye-laws;
- to adopt strategies, development programs, business plans, and the budget of CCW;
- to adopt standing orders for the work of CCW, including its own;
- to elect Vice-Presidents of CCW on the proposal of the President.
- The meetings of the Executive Committee are valid if more than half of its members are in attendance. They can be held via communication means that allow for a collective deliberation, such as phone or video conference; as well as via written procedure, such as an email exchange.
- Each member of the Executive Committee shall have one (1) vote. Decisions are taken by a simple majority. The Chair shall have a casting vote.
- The decisions of the Executive Committee shall be taken by open vote, unless during the meeting’s proceedings it is decided to be by secret vote.
Chapter X – President
- The President of CCW is elected by the General Assembly for a period of four (4) years. The President serves as the Chair of the Executive Committee and participates in its work with equal voting power.
- The powers of the President shall be:
- to manage CCW and to represent the Organisation within the General Assembly, Board of Directors, and other bodies of the ICA;
- provide the implementation of decisions taken by the General Assembly and Executive Committee of CCW, as well as by the management bodies of ICA;
- to submit regular reports to the ICA and to invite the ICA President and Director-General, or their representative, to attend the CCW General Assembly or Executive Committee;
- represent CCW to other international organisations and institutions;
- to perform any other functions and duties in representing and promoting the interests of consumer co-operatives.
- The President has the right to nominate candidates for Vice-President from amongst the members of the Executive Committee.
- The President appoints the CCW Secretary.
Chapter XI – Vice-Presidents
- The Vice-Presidents are elected from amongst the members of the Executive Committee upon the nomination of the President for a period of four (4) years. There can be up to two (2) Vice-Presidents, each one representing consumer co-operatives in a different ICA Region. The Executive Committee ratifies the Vice-Presidents with an open vote and a simple majority.
- The powers of the Vice-Presidents shall be:
- to support the President in the management of the Organisation;
- to provide the coordination between the members of CCW and the Executive Committee;
- to perform any other functions and duties in achieving the objectives of the Organisation.
Chapter XII – The Secretariat
- The CCW Secretary is appointed by the President.
- The Secretariat shall be responsible for the operational and administrative work of CCW, such as:
- reporting upon the books of account;
- preparing strategies, programs, annual activity reports, and respective financial reports and submits them for discussion to the CCW Executive Committee;
- preparing meeting documents and provides the technical support necessary for the convening of scheduled meetings of the General Assembly, Executive Committee and/or other events of CCW;
- undertaking such other duties as the President or Executive Committee may prescribe.
- CCW may delegate the Secretariat activity to an independent consumer co-operative organisation, subject to an agreement between the Executive Committee, the ICA and the concerned organisation, stating the terms and conditions of such delegation.
- CCW members shall appoint an appropriate contact person, who provides the necessary information and communication between the national organisation and the CCW Secretariat.
- The contact persons from Point 4 shall assist the Secretariat of CCW in planning and organising meetings and conferences and any other initiatives.
Chapter XIII – Finances
- The income of CCW will be provided by the general budget of the ICA. There will be no annual subscription fee for CCW.
- In case the redistribution from the ICA general budget is not sufficient to undertake all the activities approved by the members, CCW may offer specific services to members which will be charged separately. CCW may seek alternative sources of funding, namely public subventions or other mechanisms and schemes.
- All expenses incurred as a result of attendance at meetings shall be borne by the member organisation. The Executive Committee has the right to agree to cover partially or totally the expenses of representatives of non-member organisations, who are invited to attend CCW events.
Chapter XIV – Accounting Year
The financial year is the calendar year.
Chapter XV – Amendments to Rules
Any amendments to Rules need to be approved by the General Assembly and shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those full members attending and represented via Proxy, and the preliminary approval of the ICA Board.
Chapter XVI – Dissolution
- CCW may be dissolved by a decision of the General Assembly on the recommendation of its Executive Committee. It shall require a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of those full members attending and represented via Proxy and the preliminary approval of the ICA Board. CCW may also be dissolved according to the rules of the ICA Statutes.
- Any General Assembly meeting approving a proposal to dissolve CCW shall also determine how and what if any debts should be paid. In the event of any surplus remaining after dissolution, it shall be placed at the disposal of the ICA.
Adopted by the General Assembly of 14 November, 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.